Monday, April 28, 2014

Irrelevant! All of it! All of you!

Has it occurred to anybody else to seriously question modern human phenotypes? Propagation is still the only significant component of *actual* human evolution, despite the fact that it hasn't been biologically relevant for many thousands of years. With each successive generation we continue to weed out the exceptional and remarkable among us, lowering the ceiling of our immediate potential for self-awareness and achievement and relegating the role of human civilization as a whole to simple continuity of existence. Where once adaptation in this direction may have been necessary for our survival as a species, we have now over-specialized in basic survival to such an extreme that, as a collective, we are actually incapable of doing ANYTHING ELSE well. Only a very few members of human society ever actually use their mid-to-higher-level cognitive functions, and we are so adept at mitigating our own denial that we have created "niches" in our societies for these more highly-evolved individuals to thrive... in safe isolation from those essential social mechanisms which keep us stupid - and which ensure we continue reproducing as efficiently as possible, while growing backwards intellectually.

— because we can't risk some rogue intelligent thought permanently damaging our once hard-fought (now hardly-fought) status quo!

Those most capable of mindless imitation are presently the most likely to reproduce. Those least likely to think for themselves, to ask questions about their natures or futures which extend beyond the scope of their current limited perspectives, those with the highest capacity for self-deception ("I CHOSE to be like this, to look like this, to think like this, just because I'm me - and nobody else had any say in it. I live solely for my own reasons! I'm my own person.") are the founders of our future... and so, with nearly every new human birth, our actual "humanity" dies - but, of course, intellectual death is so far ahead in the race right now that its coattails are "probably just a trick of the light, anyway."

No need to worry.
CERTAINLY no need to change... certainly not radically, desperately, as if the future of our species REMAINING "our species" depended upon it.

Which behaviors and traits are ultimately passed along from generation to generation—now through almost exclusively social means rather than biological—is irrelevant. None of them are remarkable anymore. Our physical selves are so heavily modified by purely aesthetic—meaningless—choices that we are all physically polymorphic to the point of insanity; our thought processes are so heavily and skillfully managed both internally and externally that our intellects are worthless beyond the scope of our own pitiful social power struggles. Even across xeno-geographical barriers, our social homogenization process is prevailing over true growth or *useful* evolution; people all over the world now buy the same brands of clothing, wear the same hair styles, listen to the same music, worship the same few gods - and with each passing year, the diversity of once-"human culture" will continue to diminish until humanity is just like the surface of the ocean: endlessly vast, moving only to its own monotonous rhythm, undifferentiated, unremarkable... and completely oblivious to its potential for purpose.

What better fate could there be for us, though? If we really come from dust and ashes, so to speak, it seems poetic and just that after all our millennia of concerted efforts to shirk our responsibility to our potential, we are actually lobotomizing ourselves more and more with every passing moment. When the time comes for us to return to the ground, the transition from "human" to "nothing" will thus be far less jarring than if we had actually made "something" of ourselves.

Eventually, there will be no such transition necessary - and "eventually" is much closer than you think.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Idiots. Idiots! Mindless, endless idiots!

A lot of people need to be chainsaw-fucked sideways - especially the idiots who believe they are more entitled to a particular intrinsic right or freedom than any other person.

If I were to jog through YOUR church, break your stained-glass windows, leave my trash all over your floor, make a bunch of noise just because I can, and then get all up in your face when you asked me to be respectful - would YOU feel violated?

Think about that the next time you're out in nature, people. Remember to be respectful whenever you're someplace with more acres than humans. Some of us follow a more fundamental religion, and we can only worship in our church when no trace of YOU exists at all.

THAT is why I can't understand how everybody just accepts living the way we "live": we're a million different species of highly complicated organisms with infinite potential for self expansion and an equally infinite drive to achieve it, each *needing* our own enormous habitats just to be fundamentally alive and well - and yet we're crammed like generic fucking sardines into the cities and streets and complexes of human civilization, like so many tiny batteries plugged into a machine so large we can't see its edges and thus can't help but struggle to recognize it... AND WE'RE OKAY WITH THIS?!

HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? And just as importantly, why is nobody upset about it!? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK, PEOPLE!?

Are we all really, truly, so resigned to our own potential for infinite apathy that we can no longer honestly approach the very topic of our own intrinsic NEEDS? ... yet we have the energy to squander our entire lives on the farthest edges of the least immediate and most superficial philosophical ripples derived from these issues we're so skillfully and categorically ignoring and denying.

The psychological ramifications of the median human lifestyle are unimaginable. The internal cognitive stresses of just waking up in the morning are so severe and debilitating—and in turn so vividly rendered in our day to day behaviors—that I just don't fucking understand how every single human being alive isn't up in arms about it...

... unless, just maybe, every single human being alive IS - and most of them just can't see through their own bullshit long enough to call it for what it is.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Samael - "Slavocracy"

Why? Because you'll never hear it on the radio. The many gems of life, such as these, have long been hidden beneath the ocean of blindness we live in. Its innumerable witless denizens conspire to obscure wonders both new and old from those inquiring minds which have aspirations of anything meaningful. We can't allow them to succeed.

We have to share our secret discoveries and epiphanies with each other, or we will only ever know anything by our own good fortune as we grasp in the dark on our way to the grave.

"I wish that I could take you by the hand
Lead you through blurry views
And give you access to your own self"

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Quintessential Humanity

Today, I distilled an essential sample of "Current Human Civilization," and this is what it looks like under close inspection:

Son, I am disappoint.

— but I told you so.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014