Wednesday, July 13, 2016

I Hand Out Intellectual Life Savers Like Candy

Our country's social climate of compassionate and unconditional acceptance is growing stronger every day... at least for and of those ideas which neither require nor aspire to any sort of introspection, criticism, analysis or otherwise rational accountability. It warms my sarcastic little heart, it does!

Nevertheless—despite all of the blind/desperate/hollow warm-fuzzies happily contracted by an awful lot of folks these days—aggressive discrimination has never been more prevalent, fervent or insidious than it is today... but probably not in the way that you think. Social persecution is not dead, nor is it in decline, but nor does it remotely resemble any of the countless convenient nth-otomies both inspired and imagined by the mundane moronism of the masses. The behavior has overwhelmingly migrated to a focus on subtler, quieter targets - a more general demographic, for to more comfortably deride the "others" of a more fundamental disparity:

Today, "those who can't be bothered to learn" have happily taken up the mantle of enthusiastic persecutors of  "those who know and/or know better."

No matter how many thousands of opinions you might solicit from a pool of countless strangers about any one of a thousand incendiary cultural topics, nearly every person will have one behavior in common: they'll all balk at the mere notion of accepting the factual wisdom of anyone more intelligent than themselves. It's human nature to resist new knowledge absent the context of subjective experience, of course - but so is casually shitting on the ground wherever you happen to be sitting or standing when the urge strikes you... and, presumably, we invented toilets for a reason that might pass for such. Likewise, keen tools suitable for the precise measurement of reason itself are just as common as—and significantly less expensive than—our royal porcelain thrones. Everyone is capable of better; no person willing to shit in a bathroom has any good excuse for intellectual complacency.

The INTELLIGENT are now, by far, the most endangered and marginalized minority of modern times. Perhaps one's personal political, sexual, emotional, avoidant, dissonant and delusional proclivities are not the most significant issues facing our civilization at this moment. Perhaps there is a much scarier, more pressing problem of far greater consequence with which we should concern ourselves: it really, truly, does not matter at all who/what/when/where/how a person does, doesn't do, thinks, doesn't think, wants, doesn't want, believes, eats, wears, fucks, or even—god help them—reads on Facebook... if a person is content to be an IDIOT forever.

— to top things off with a twist of terrible local irony, is it possible that the imminent violent collapse of our own representative democracy in this country might actually be—*gasp!*—truly representative of some fundamental social phenomenon? Our founding fathers didn't fail to anticipate a Tyranny of the Apathetic – did they?

Huh... *shrug.* Google doesn't know.

... well, back to Pokemon GO!

Sunday, July 10, 2016

All is Not Lost, but Discipline

Language is a jug of comprehension teetering upon the edge of a mortal precipice of perspective beneath the endlessly-battering rains of subjective experience - and any waterfall of words can only possess its true meaning when it exactly fills the idea that spilled it. Its kung fu is foreign and rare, and it thrives in the invisible light of seclusion.

We certainly grow heartily—as stubborn weeds—in the depthless chasms between reality and awareness, but we can never grow strong within them. Left to the darkness of ignorance, the already-dim grow only ever more lost.... and content. I often wonder if it is not worse for humanity to collectively make only a little sense from time to time than to never make any sense at all.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

A Short and Storied Tale of That Which is no Longer Tale nor Story

The three great devils smiled quietly together from the comfort of their small, remote circle. Their meeting openly was as rare as it was dangerous to their existence, but this was a day for celebration!

"Look at the immortal palace they have built from the brick and mortar of their minds," marveled the demon Q'uo. "Its perfect invisibility is marred by only the merest shadow of its most distant borders. If I were not myself a pillar of its foundation, I would doubt its very existence."

"Mmm, an effigy unequaled even by its eldest histories, indeed," beamed St. Atus, "though their magnificent machines are no match for the masterful machinations which always precede them. Each time I feel as if I have never before witnessed such fervent pride in self-enslavement, as if the weighty fog of blindness were a light and breathy heaven - a secret and blessed cloud which they have discovered and to which they have won ascension by impossible exertions of noble 'will.' Hah!" the fallen angel laughed, heartily. "Will!" 

"Truly, there is no reality we cannot achieve by accident, so long as we are sufficiently distracted from it," the third devil remarked, smiling. All three shared furtive, knowing smirks as the human continued, chuckling, "Well... perhaps except the one."