Saturday, August 30, 2014

In today's news: Stupid is the new "Black"... LITERALLY!

Truly brilliant! Whenever *I* go out to any of the ubiquitous socially-conventional sex-shopping-malls, (colloquially but inaccurately known as simply "bars" or "clubs" by the less intellectually-burdened among us), and then proceed to pay somebody else for a few tallllll glasses of poison—and sugar!—so I can intentionally incapacitate myself to the point that I can no longer make rational decisions about even the most fundamental concepts such as my physical safety and emotional well-being, (never mind those imagined principles I was preaching about until the first Long Island Iced Tea), I ALWAYS MAKE DAMNED SURE TO BE "SMART" ABOUT IT ALL.

And now, I can be even smarter... about choosing to be an unabashed utter - fucking - idiot in a public place full of people who—like me—are just there for some innocently desperate mutual-insecurity-masturbation and a little bit of utterly selfish opportunistic social engineering - i.e. "getting summ" - oh, but only from the RIIIIIIGHT PEOPLE; it's important to pick the best of the worst-of-the-worthless, you know!


It's AMAZING to know that our tax dollars are being spent on funding for educational institutions of such prodigious ambition that they produce students like these. I can't think of anything better to spend the hours, days, months, years, and eventually decades of my life supporting. Can you?

If you answered yes... well, then somebody's just not drinking enough poison, you party pooper, you!

The fact that somebody's actually invented a(nother) product to enable folks to avoid using—just a modicum! A MODICUM!—of common sense is evidence of ideas that are not only not an awful lot of good, but are actually an awful lot of really fucking terrible: DENIAL & APATHY. Not only do people not care in general - which makes them even more stupid than what used to pass for average... but they now no longer care about *being* stupid... AND they're in denial about it being the worst possible behavior a human being can exhibit.

Stupid is the new black - LITERALLY!

... "bbbbbut, Mr. Blase! What about the VICTIMS!? Don't you care about the VICTIMS!?"

— no. There are no such things as victims. Let me ashk yew a question: does rain "deserve" to fall? In reality, the perception of justice, fairness, or any kind of arbitrary equity is a fallacy - a delusion meant to sustain the belief that "anything is possible," which in turn is essential to the way that we humans live in the present age. Cause-and-effect is the only *actual* law of the universe; humans, for all our seeming complexity, are actually very simple machines once you become AWARE of all the moving parts. Even our own self-reprogramming has pre-programmed boundaries... in turn limited by deeper programming, some of which we can never consciously access (without the technology of the near future, at least - but more on that in another post). Part of that programming is opportunistic social engineering, or taking advantage of others for our own benefit. It's an evolutionary instinct that's responsible for our being alive right now - and because there are nearly unlimited opportunities within our environment to apply this instinct to our continued advantage over anyone who doesn't do the same, it'll never change. It can't ever change. All a person can do to prepare is simply be conscious and honest about this - and then simply choose not to deliberately create self-vulnerabilities. 

That's all there is to crime, of any kind: cause-and-effect. 
Cause-and-effect. Cause-and-effect. 
Learn the cycle, avoid being caught in it. Learn the cycle, avoid being caught in it. 
Ignore the cycle, maybe get caught in it. Ignore the cycle, maybe get caught in it. 
Repeat whichever part is applicable to you for every minute of your life, and you have a lot of opportunities to either get taken advantage of, (in any one of MANY ways), OR a lot of opportunities to be left to your own devices. Math is science for a reason. LEARN IT. FOLLOW IT.

... "bbbbut, Mr. Blase! ... Victims?"

No!  The non-sequitur "Being a victim" is a result of a linear process; its twin "being a criminal" is also a result of the same linear process - just earlier in the chain of events. They are both derived from the same precipitating events or circumstances. If you choose only to follow the chain as far as is easy or convenient, that's your stupidity to... well, evidently, to deny outright; unfortunately, language gives you plenty of tools to continue to efficiently evade reality. There are MANY words we employ in our every day lives which serve only to obscure the existence of ideas that we either aren't willing to pursue or aren't capable of understanding. "Victim" is such a designation, given to only one side of a coin that always has two equivalently-weighted sides. Just because it's the side that a majority of people can empathize with doesn't make it any more valid or significant than the other. On the contrary, until the word "criminal" and "victim" are synonymous—i.e. until the intellectual state of society as a collective rises to the point that we can analyze ALL events objectively and draw from them ALL of the lessons conveyed by ALL of the facts—using one or the other as self-contained, separate—and of all things, contradictory!?!?—ideas simply adds either a falsely-pejorative or -complimentary context to a reality which is NEVER either of those things. This actually perpetuates the cycle, continuing to make ALL OF US "VICTIMS" by default.

Somewhere, there's a single point of origin which PRECEDES and completely moots the concepts of both "criminals" and "victims" alike, and it is that distant point of origin which is, in fact, the only important item upon which we must focus. Put another way, you could say that criminals and victims are equally victimized by circumstances which, generally speaking, are FAR  beyond the awareness of average people; even if you were to confine the analysis to the current fallacious binary system of "criminals vs. victims," everybody is actually a victim - and universal constants must be universally reduced out of any equation in order to solve it. Again... MATH = VITAL FO' SURVIVAL.

Calling people victims, or criminals, obfuscates the fact that they are simply two relatively-insignificant results of a much longer chain of increasingly significant events - which we are collectively unwilling to either acknowledge or examine in sufficient detail as to either understand or prevent.

Returning to the simpler original topic of test-strips-turned-nail-polish... the NET EFFECT that these four fucking morons actually achieved is going to be a lot MORE women raped in the future. As with all non-solutions that enable an underlying problem to fly under the radar and endlessly repeat itself and its long chain of symptoms... this one invention will only push the drug industry to be more creative. There is a DEMAND for these drugs, and that demand—another insignificant result of a longer chain of events obfuscated by denial and language—will only continue to increase with time. With it, the suppliers will become increasingly effective at satisfying the demand. In not too long, the pendulum will swing back in the other direction - and, then, the particular kind of stupidity exhibited by women who trust complete strangers in an obviously-unsafe environment will be even more dangerous than it was before now. (I KNOW! That last sentence is fucking ridiculous!)

It's called a "cycle" for a reason.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Fact? – Or fact trumped by irrational belief? YOU decide!

Impossible "Biblical fact" of the day:

The real-world city referred to in the Bible as "Jericho" is actually between 11,000 and 15,000 years old (at least)... yet, also according to the Bible, the Earth—actually, the entire universe—itself is less than 7,000 years old.

Could The Holy Spirit of God have missed a typo somewhere in Genesis 5? Seems like an unlikely oversight for an Infallible Supreme Being of the Entire Universe, Past, Present and Future - but, then again, I will admit a sliiiiight bias toward "reality."

— Only *you* are qualified to be the judge of this incontrovertible scientific fact.

Have they isolated the genes for "being an idiot" or "denial" yet?

As a student of science and history, my laugh lines look forward to the inevitable day in the next, oh, 6-7000 years or so, when some poor nincompoop discovers an ancient copy of the great Lovecraftian mythos, takes the time to decipher it, and recognizes a few vague references to events that might actually have occurred in human history - at which point the population of this only-theoretically-theoretical future will commence its worship of the One True God—Cthulu—for several thousand years... until some poor nincompoop discovers an ancient copy of...

Saturday, August 9, 2014

War.. FOR peace! C'mon! DUH!

Exactly! This guy GETS it: "war FOR peace."

Sometimes you gotta break a few hundred thousand bodies with bullets to make an omelette, right?

And sometimes you just gotta burn a few family trees to the ground to light that propane stove - otherwise, when you bring home those hard-won economic yolks from your righteous foreign ventures, you'll have no way to make said omelette!

Breakfast being the most important meal of the day... I just don't see any way around it; a bunch of Iraqis gotta die.

Hell, if we don't keep bombing the shit out of random countries all over the world, someday we might not have the right to bomb the shit out of random countries all over the world at all.

... And who's gonna make our omelettes then? US!? F--- that! Bombs away! 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Football is gay!

It's hilarious, sometimes, to see something brilliant thrust out into the public... where it goes completely over the heads of almost everybody who experiences it. Case in point:

... everybody realizes that this particular selection of social satire is a double-dicked dildo, so to speak? You weren't distracted by the glitter, right? –sooo, you all caught the "football is gay" metaphor?

This wasn't simply a lesson on moronic hyper-sexuality both in and out of entertainment media; it WAS that, but that's just one slice of the bread. The other slice is FOOTBALL: one of the most epitomical examples of the shameless sensationalization of inane behavior in American entertainment media.

In the middle of this brain-sandwich can be found the meat of the sketch - those ingredients that complement both ideas and make it a meal: football players (and some fans) celebrate their hormono-maniacal masturbation in exactly the same way—psychologically speaking—as flamboyant gays flaunt their mindlessly stereotypical deficit for attention. Both demographics exhibit behaviors so ridiculous that they are ultimately defined most honestly by their pathologically-myopic participation in brainless social ritual than by any small amount of individual identity that might exist in its shadow.

Critical analysis: eat up!