Thursday, May 29, 2014


All of the federal changes to U.S. social systems over the past seven decades (in particular) have effectively implemented a vast, multi-redundant contingency against any armed uprising by the citizenry. At the point when our armed forces started blindly following orders ("Not my need-to-know / not my problem," all the way up the chain of command) and no longer required voters to approve military action, that was the last nail in the coffin.

Fortunately, most of the populace is kept thoroughly distracted, either too busy or too ignorant to be concerned with exercising more than just the most very basic freedoms - which the government is more than happy to support. If we were to ever decide to demand more, though...

It's almost like we've forgotten that the sole, *literal* function of any government is to control a population of people - at all other costs.

I actually just watched a movie about this very idea - "Enemy." (Link: Worth a watch just for the "oh shit" feeling of utter confusion you get at the end - a perfect analogy of modern life: "Do I study this mystery so I can comprehend it? Or do I move along, knowing I've missed the point - but assuming it's not important?" Government is what it is now because vast populations have a pattern of choosing the latter 99 times out of 100... and will continue to do so, until the choice no longer exists.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Just A Few Things Nobody Will Likely Take Seriously Before I'm Dead.

Nietzsche was the man who wrote, "He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you."

I've learned the same is true of comprehension; one becomes what one does, thinks, interacts with. This is neither insignificant nor irrelevant to anything.

There is a threshold of recondite but primordial knowledge, shortly beyond which the sum of a human mind must eventually correlate less to existing conventions of human existence than to anything else at all. Approaching the boundary of that event horizon reveals a choice: either to continue into the isolating vacuum of infinite awareness, or to succumb to the finite but massive gravity of familiar faces, ideas and behaviors; regardless of the selection, all of the preexisting momentum of one's entire life is consumed at that moment of choice, poured into that direction for better or—most commonly—for worse.

Look around. Clearly, nearly every one favors a single (poor) choice. After that event, nearly no one will ever again muster the fortitude or conviction to reverse the decision - even if they realize the mistake. The cost of re-making oneself is simply too great, and only ever increases between any two points in time. 

Why do we not teach our children that our present notion of humanity is merely the first of a series of stages of growth — that the entirety of our civilization, even at its greatest imaginable height, is merely a humble bassinet, and that we only belong in it until our minds can walk beyond it on their own?

If we were shown the truth from the onset of our journeys to self-awareness, or even so much as given a hint as to its eventual manifestation, the result of our physical maturation might not culminate in a mere misconception of having achieved actual growth. Really, we have only "grown" into a species of singular cowards, perpetually afraid to leave our nests for fear of the intellectual wings we all possess - the span of which dwarfs even our most generous imaginings of our present state of being.

We are terrified by the scope of comprehension we know our evolution will open to us - and in doing so—as a consequence of our nature to become that which we experience—thrust upon us. As the epiphany of our ultimate potential strikes us, one by one we cower in fear before the responsibility it will inevitably demand as its toll. Those who look to others for guidance in this moment of trepidation seem to meet only the gazes of the unaware or, worst of all, the contrary - those who have already reached and grasped nothing in the very same endeavor. We see the fickle effigies to humanity they have allowed themselves to become... but, in a certain light—a misnomer if ever there was one—don't they nevertheless seem "happy?" Somehow, we convince ourselves so.

We might transcend the meager and unremarkable realities of our present circumstances, but instead we choose never to leap at all... and that is the example we then set for the rest who come after us. They are not "us," yet - but we have blazed the path for them: a slow spiral, originating at birth and culminating in a closed loop at its farthest expanse, with a total circumference just longer than the longest human lifespan. Worse still, if they do not follow—if we do not push them to follow—then we cannot project their choice onto ourselves, in which case the impossible rationalizations we depend upon for our fragile illusions of meaningful achievement would collapse. To prevent this, then, we create vast social mechanisms to obscure each moment of our lives from the ones before it, weaving a delusory web of opacity into every aspect of our existence - made of only the air we breathe... and yet we allow ourselves to breathe it.

Such a collapse is long past due. Such perfect irony is a criminal application of such creative genius as we are all—clearly—capable of.

We are wasting ourselves in the worst possible way.

We are the reality we create. Until more than a mere handful of individuals will otherwise, we children of the universe will continue to be known to our destinies not by the names it has reserved for us - but by the limiting designation we elect for ourselves as a civilization, and which we reinforce in every moment of our complacency: "afraid."

Transcend. It's a choice -
and, like all other choices, it can't make itself.


I feel the things you feel, 
I do the things you do,
And I feel like I'm falling
In to you;
And I feel what you feel,
As I do what you do,
And I wish you could be me
Truly knowing you.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Memorial Day

Wow, this is no joking matter, folks. 

Memorial Day is the one day of the year when we are supposed to reflect on the price of liberty and freedom: the lives of soldiers who were killed as they strove to occupy foreign lands to which they weren't invited and in which they never have nor ever should belong. 

We can't ever forget that for every one US soldier killed in action, there are many, MANY more individuals in the countries we've invaded whose freedom and right to live were arbitrarily taken away from them at the behest of our government... so we can continue to have cheap gasoline and imported goods. 

While you're shedding your tears, be conscious of the fact that the biggest casualties in the history of modern times are global security of life and personal liberty - everywhere but the United States of America (where the general population is far too ignorant to realize and too distracted to care that we've never been free at all). 

Every fallen soldier is a symbol of everything wrong with our world... just not in the way you blathering bleeding-heart double-digit-IQ sheep want to believe. 

Memorial Day: because when you don't pre-emptively think AND choose for yourself, Hallmark is happy to do it for you.

— especially after Korea(s), Vietnam, Lebanon, Bay of Pigs, Laos, Cambodia, Grenada, Afghanistan (the first one - ya know, where we spent billions of tax dollars putting the very same people we now call the "terrorists" into power), Iran/Iraq (again, the first one), Persian Gulf, Kosovo, Afghanistan (the second one - oh, excuse me, *ahem* the start of the "War on Terror"), Iraq (the second one, again... I'd say it's a pattern, but naaaaaah), and all the conflicts I can't remember right now, and all the bullshit that's come about since then and will continue to come about.

For me, Memorial Day is about shame; remembering all of the MILLIONS—MILLIONS—of people that we've allowed our government to kill in our names... and which we continue to allow.

I mean, really now, people, we gave up any legitimate claim to a homeland when we started massacring the indigenous population of this part of the continent a couple hundred years ago, just after we liberated ourselves. (But, hey - it was a great idea for that first ten seconds it took us to start fucking it up).

Monday, May 19, 2014


Every once in awhile, I catch myself wondering anew why everyone has such a hostile reaction to being called out on their bullshit, or other similar "negativity." 

... Then, about two seconds later, I remember that it's because we live in a collective that can only sustain its current state by rewarding the intellectual-fucking-laziest among us - and, of course, because cowardice is not only convenient and easy, but familiar. 

Shame on me for forgetting my place. 

God forbid you be forced to rethink yours.

I can't remember when I realized not everyone can see sounds... but it's still just as frustrating now as it was then.

Can't Stop Playing


Fuck the neighbors.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

On the consequences and responsibilities of limitless comprehension

Did I step on your toes recently? — you're welcome. It means I care enough about you to bother. The complete scope of my social interactions at this point in my life can be boiled down to three basic ideas: I'm no longer surprised by anything that human beings do, and whenever a person does anything at all, with a little bit of contextual research I can always fully comprehend the WHY of the behavior; I'm still curious about the supercedent behavioral vacuum inside of which all of these things occur — i.e. the infinity of dynamic reasons behind why people don't, can't or won't learn to understand their own natures; and lastly, I would like very much to share the serene transparency of omniscience with the rest of my species... particularly in light of the dire obstacles to our survival we are erecting and reinforcing in our day-to-day lives. Someday, we might actually have a true need to evolve beyond our current awareness of what is possible - and when that time comes, an ability to transition naturally will be a precious and vital commodity.

So, please, if you feel compelled to take anything I say or write personally - DO. It's because I would rather you NOT some day blink out of this particular phase of your existence with no justifiable realization of your significance to the universe. In that very last fraction of a second after your human body dies, when the energy in your brain is released from its duties, your last thought will be a perfectly honest one shared with only yourself - stripped of all of the control-fallacies and delusory mechanisms that modern life inspires (and which we seem convinced it necessitates). Wouldn't you like to know what that thought will be, before it's too late to change it? Wouldn't you like to see yourself as you really are more than just the once - as you are leaving that self behind for something else?

I know what that will be like, for me - and, in the quiet, neutral vacuum surrounding the stabilized nucleus of that epiphany, I have realized the pinnacle of my existence. It's rather cozy. You'd like it. And I'm going to continue saying and writing things that you might be able to use as tools to get there, if you were to choose to think of ideas as just that: tools for evolution. The existing systems in which our lives are entangled function absolutely contrary to that goal of growth beyond our present selves; their functions are derived from obsolete instincts intended to keep us ALIVE at ANY cost, and that means keeping us the same so long as we are alive. I can't help but point out that cost - and I will continue to do so until you can't look at life without realizing how much of it we waste by default... and how that obsolete wastefulness is not only holding us back, but pushing us backwards.

Abortion : JUST SAY NO... to discussing this total fucking non-issue, you utter morons.

Personally, abortion is too practical of a population control measure for me to write off — and practical measures are too desperately necessary AND scarce today to ignore the solutions they provide, especially given the fact that nobody is willing to do the hard thing and actually implement *better* solutions intelligently. The whole "choice vs. life" conflict is just another faux issue—even without getting into the literal craziness of putting a "vs." between the terms "choice" and "life," both of which distill into exactly the same single idea—in a long line of distractions. This is another excellent modern example of how language is expertly used to lead otherwise intelligent people to stupid conclusions.

Here's my better proposal, which makes abortion a moot concept entirely. Let's look at the bigger picture here, and instead call it for exactly what it actually is: "Pro-Stupidity-With-Entitlement-to-no-Consequences vs. Being-Held-Accountable-to-Choosing-WELL-in-EVERYTHING-YOU-DO". If people TOOK their right to control their own bodies instead of waiting for things to "work out" in their favor (i.e. don't let any other human being alive dictate your birth control practices or what you do or don't have access to), exercised a modicum of common sense when it came to comprehensively sexually-educating children (so they weren't so utterly susceptible to sex-media programming and thus *guaranteed* to make so many obvious idiotic choices out of insecurity and ignorance), and stopped having babies after the first child, the population problem would eventually correct itself - though it would still take at least 20 generations.

With that as the "best case" alternative available, how on Earth can rational minds argue against abortion - which is the rational ethical equivalent of clipping one's nails? People can rationalize *anything*; that's the nearly-universally-ignored inevitable consequence of creativity and imagination in the absence of critical logical thinking. It's also the literal antithesis of "rational thinking," an extreme shortage of which is responsible for just about all of humankind's existing problems (more by the minute). But if that doesn't fill in all the lines, there IS more to it: money interests. If skin cells ever become economically relevant, for instance, you can bet your bottom dollar that a social issue analogous to that of abortion will arise - in the form of something along the lines of "Washcloths = murder," and "Your epidermis can't choose for itself - so you have to," and other equivalently-idiotic rhetoric and drama which function only to bury real issues beneath trendy—superficial and thus meaningless—poster-children. (And how's that for an ironic turn of phrase?)

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Because—at a certain IQ—there's just nothing else interesting to do.

I was bored, so I just invented a simple musically-syntactic universal language based on sound.

Complete comprehension/mastery of the language only requires the capability to produce or understand any single sound, of any pitch, quality and loudness perceivable by typical human senses, and the ability to discern general vertical relativity in physical space (all other conceivable criteria are explicitly extraneous in this case). It is functional both literally (using the perception of the abstracted sound wave's physical structure as its keystone "height") and relatively (to the vertical space occupied by any component, relative to its other components).

Here's a short sentence.

"^|^"^|^"^|^"^|^ "^|^"^|^"^|^"^|^ "^|^"^|^"^|^"^|^
"^|^"^|^"^|^"^|^ "^|^"^|^"^|^"^|^ "^|^"^|^"^|^"^|^
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If one were to embellish the presentation a bit, it would translate to something like this:

For the first time, really?

(Referring to: )

Stupid me - all these years, I've also been drawing attention to a bunch of totally obvious things that nobody seems to pay attention to... but apparently I made a gross misjudgment in the comprehensive ability of the general population (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA) by neglecting to rhyme it and pay actors to participate!

Thank god somebody took that enormous intellectual leap FOR me!

No matter how far I know that collective human intelligence has fallen, this video proves that I can still find myself occasionally surprised as it pushes the boundaries of even my lowest and most pessimistic expectations.

I am at a loss for words to say to everyone circulating this video, except for this:

If you need a video to open your eyes to this, it's too late for you.

Friday, May 2, 2014

iHymen: The One-Step Solution to all of the World's Difficult Solutions to Problems that Seriously Exist.

Have YOU heard the good news about iHymen yet? Read on, brothers and sisters!


Worried about big, looming epiphanies? Concerned that you'll be mercilessly and impersonally reamed by unrestricted knowledge putting its big, scary hands all over your vulnerable soul? You're not alone. And now, you don't have to FEEL alone, either.

Billions of humans suffer from a chronic unwillingness to endure the minor temporary pains of new and unfamiliar comprehension. Clinical studies have recently proven that most people would rather construct a layer-cake of fragile delusions around the lives and limited perspectives they've happened to experience so far, rather than suffer unnecessarily at the hands of universal truths that might otherwise force them to confront difficult and unappealing realities.

Pathologically-Avoidant Behavior Syndrome is real, and it's currently the most prevalent and misunderstood naturally-occurring handicap known to humankind. Since the dawn of human civilization, P.A.B.S. has been stigmatized by a handful of elitist jerks who think their selfless quests for truth entitle them to the right to judge those of lazier, more apathetic affectations.

But now, there's hope!

After all these years, there's finally some great news for sufferers of P.A.B.S. Some of the brightest politicians and advertisers among us have discovered an ideal way for YOU to protect yourself from the uncomfortable growth and beneficial behavioral reform caused by logical thinking, honest self-analysis, and the plagues of intrinsic truths that these psychological diseases have historically inflicted upon the supermajority of specially-gifted humans blessed with Pathologically-Avoidant Behavior Syndrome.

The solution is free, effortless, and is readily available online, on television, and in the empty eyes of everyone around you: "iHymen."

Do you ever feel isolated from your friends who are always stuck in cycles of willful ignorance and self-limiting behavioral patterns? Don't you wish that you, too, could openly embrace the irrational and factually erroneous beliefs of everyone around you? No matter how far you've wandered from the comfy teat of intellectual apathy and the status quo, iHymen can help restore the natural balance of your arbitrary social prerogatives.

iHymen is simple and easy to use: simply plug in to the vast network of iHymen users all over the world, and you're done. That's it! Just by participating, you will instantly begin to feel the benefits of the iHymen mechanism: as more and more people with P.A.B.S. gather to celebrate their unremarkable natures, distill out the uncomfortable differences and variances among them, and cast off their cumbersome chains of reality, it'll become easier and easier for each subsequent participant to do the same - and YOU can be the next to join!

The snowball is already rolling. No effort whatsoever is required on your part. Simply choose to stop choosing. Give up the burdens of biological and intellectual freedom; shed your responsibility to the universe and your fellow human. Life is short - you have just as much right as anyone else to waste it in whatever arbitrary fashion you choose! And now, with iHymen, you can join the world's largest community and reinforce that singular, wonderful feeling of denial with others just like you.

The fact that universal truths exist and often fly in the face of modern human behavior doesn't mean that you should be forced to acknowledge them or change accordingly.

It's YOUR mind, and "no" means "no!"

Fight back against Reality-Rape. Choose not to choose — with iHymen.
Protect the intellectual pussy you've always been.

Now available absolutely everywhere and in absolutely everything near you!

Disclaimer: always consult your local social-indoctrination and behavioral-homogenization specialist before beginning iHymen or any other behavioral conditioning course. Your specific delusions and personal hang-ups may require special attention and dosage adjustments that you can't possibly comprehend, and which you must thus only question until you get confused and accept the first answer provided to you. iHymen may damage the psychological make-up of those who have built up a previous resistance to population control methodology; if you have doubts about whether or not iHymen will work flawlessly for you, please consult the nearest Faith vendor in your area for a solution tailored specifically to your generic situation.
