Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Note to Self: Billiards is the meaning of life... idiot!

Why do I enjoy playing pool?

— Because pool is a perfect analogy for life... sort of!

Every event which takes place is merely a determinable mathematical expression based on a finite number of measurable variables. You might not be able to see them; you might not know they exist; you might not even be able to comprehend that they might - but the pool table, the universe, doesn't care. Your ignorance is just another factor. Even if you choose to blindly shove the cue, you always *could* have known where every ball was going to end up after every shot - and every human being knows this, at least on some level.

I enjoy pool because it reminds me—albeit in a largely tangential fashion—that there is never any reasonable justification for willful ignorance - and that even if I convince myself the game doesn't exist, even if I were to refuse to play... it's still playing me.

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