Saturday, June 14, 2014

You know what really shrivels my fignuts?

I hate when people misrepresent science for the purpose of entertainment. Scientists deal with evidence, not proof. Anyone who can't tell the difference has no legitimate claim to an opinion on anything.

WHY AREN'T CHILDREN TAUGHT HOW TO THINK *PROPERLY*? WHY!? Oh... school is a federal program, and we wouldn't have or need federal anything if people used their brains... so in order for us to receive *some* education, we can't risk a functional level *of* education. Seems like a perfect system to me.

Begin educational sprint here (don't worry - it's still legal... for now):

Trendy fucking pussies.

Rational idealism should not be confined to fiction.

"The end of our foundation is the knowledge of causes, and secret motions of things; and the enlarging of the bounds of human empire, to the effecting of all things possible."

— You, there, reading this: what is YOUR excuse?

Yo dawg, I heard you like redundant, so I put some redundance in your redundant so you can redundant while you play at inventing redundant technology!

I'm confused... why exactly are humans trying to create an artificial intelligence capable of passing the Turing test - using silicon? Do these morons not realize that if they just reproduce, they'll automatically achieve their goal?

Oh, RIIIIIGHT! I almost forgot!


People who are incapable of comprehending the ramifications of certain scientific realities probably shouldn't be pushing the boundaries of such realizations in the first place. There's room for only a finite amount of curiosity in our matrix. It's not like we're short on denial, either - at some point we're gonna run out of excuses to deceive ourselves with... and what then? Our heads explode?

You don't wanna freakin' know, man.

Extrapolatory Multiversal Quantum Mechanics... duh

I can't understand why we still use the phrase, "It's not rocket science!"

Rocket science isn't complicated!

If we as humans exercised even a smidgen of educational due diligence (or a modicum of intelligence, or *GASP*—both!), rocket science would be unremarkable fare for the sixth-grade level or so - maybe a week-long lesson thrown in with the natural sciences as a "fun hands-on" example of simple, real-world applications of the curriculum.

I'm officially upgrading this outdated drivel. I don't care if Webster doesn't know or care, because Webster can stuff its "New World" up its annoying little etymologically-unfaithful ass. Webster's a trendy fucking pussy - and so are you if you let anyone or anything determine the century your brain lives in.

Anyway, things have changed since the 1800s. (Of course, the Chinese already had a firm grasp on rocket science by the 13th century A.D., but why humiliate "modern civilization" any more than it already implicitly humiliates itself? Besides, everyone's fuckin' oblivious to everything these days).

The new equivalent phrase is:

"It's not extrapolatory multiversal quantum mechanics!"

That should last us a good couple of decades or so... but somebody else is going to need to nut the fuck up and upgrade this bullshit again, once artificial wormhole technology is perfected.

Ring-a-ding dong, I can write stupid songs, now where's my money - wait! Just put it in mah thong.

— Possible mottos for humanity —


Don't know, don't care;
Don't care that we don't know, don't want anyone to know that we don't care;
Been everywhere, done everything - learned absolutely fuckin' nothing;
A life full of stuff just might fill the void where intellect should have been, somehow;
Reality is just a theory and shouldn't be taught anywhere;
We're basically potatoes, give or take a few millivolts;
Literally dumber than the simplest machines we make;"

And, last but—in my humble opinion—best...

"Humanity: Because it takes more energy to let ourselves die than to allow our momentum to perpetuate this awful, truly upsetting existence - and we're so lazy we can't even give a single fuck anymore, even about ourselves."

Yeah! That's the one. It's got a nice, truthful ring to it.