Saturday, June 14, 2014

Yo dawg, I heard you like redundant, so I put some redundance in your redundant so you can redundant while you play at inventing redundant technology!

I'm confused... why exactly are humans trying to create an artificial intelligence capable of passing the Turing test - using silicon? Do these morons not realize that if they just reproduce, they'll automatically achieve their goal?

Oh, RIIIIIGHT! I almost forgot!


People who are incapable of comprehending the ramifications of certain scientific realities probably shouldn't be pushing the boundaries of such realizations in the first place. There's room for only a finite amount of curiosity in our matrix. It's not like we're short on denial, either - at some point we're gonna run out of excuses to deceive ourselves with... and what then? Our heads explode?

You don't wanna freakin' know, man.

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