Our country is the best country in the world.
Our government is the best government in the world.
— at falling over, and at taking over - respectively.
Since Lincoln, and likely even before, our masters knew that you just can't enslave a population by force; once people realize their freedom is being subverted, they will always fight back - and once they've started fighting, they'll fight to the death.
It's human nature.
Instead, our government has become the most skilled in the world at using that nature against us. Government, my hat is off to you! Here's how you've done it:
First, occupy and distract the populace with trivial tasks that provide our necessities for basic physical survival - but only if we spend nearly every waking hour performing these tasks. Next, ensure there are not enough hours in a day for parents to sufficiently educate their children - and create "educational institutions" to occupy said children with lessons about the merits of obedience, compliance, and adherence to the status quo, all while stripping the curriculum of anything that might encourage intelligent creativity or individuality. Then, deny us access to the tools we need to physically protect ourselves - because at that point, none among us possess enough energy to either notice or care. Finally, quietly manipulate our nearby environments in increments small enough to avoid undue attention, but significant enough to ensure we can't ignore them. Piece by piece, build these deliberate events into an ironclad web of imaginary fear - laced with just enough real danger to preempt any would-be probing questions about the authenticity of these "dire threats to our lives."
As the ripples slowly but surely spread across the world, the populace will become afraid. If you ensure that we see at least a few of those fears take tangible form, we'll become even more afraid - and, as our instincts for survival kick in, we will ask ourselves, "What is the best way to defeat these threats? How can we most efficiently apply our—now VERY limited—energy toward protecting ourselves?" Then, lacking the intelligence and pliable skills necessary to invent an ideal solution for these problems you've created for us, and without the tools to defend ourselves against a threat we believe to be growing closer every day... we will happily trade our freedoms for your protection. All of them - every last one. We won't think for a moment to question our actions OR your intentions - because you've guaranteed we know very little of either ourselves or the real world beyond your veil of propaganda. Our children follow in our footsteps, believing more and more with every successive generation that the "solution" we've chosen is the best one - based on what you teach them "on our behalf."
At the point in time when a society begins to allow its questions to go unanswered, and the lack of answers to go unchallenged, freedom is truly dead and gone.
Wake up, America - this is the DEFINITION of slavery. You're eating, breathing, drinking, and working toward your own continued enslavement. And now, our government has started to apply the formula that successfully enslaved US... to the rest of the world - while we stand by, shaking in our fucking boots, praising God that we're still alive "despite the innumerable terrors beyond our borders" and somehow believing that we're still living like people.
WAKE UP! We're pathetic, domesticated animals, and this—your life—is a CAGE.
Our government is the best government in the world.
— at falling over, and at taking over - respectively.
Since Lincoln, and likely even before, our masters knew that you just can't enslave a population by force; once people realize their freedom is being subverted, they will always fight back - and once they've started fighting, they'll fight to the death.
It's human nature.
Instead, our government has become the most skilled in the world at using that nature against us. Government, my hat is off to you! Here's how you've done it:
First, occupy and distract the populace with trivial tasks that provide our necessities for basic physical survival - but only if we spend nearly every waking hour performing these tasks. Next, ensure there are not enough hours in a day for parents to sufficiently educate their children - and create "educational institutions" to occupy said children with lessons about the merits of obedience, compliance, and adherence to the status quo, all while stripping the curriculum of anything that might encourage intelligent creativity or individuality. Then, deny us access to the tools we need to physically protect ourselves - because at that point, none among us possess enough energy to either notice or care. Finally, quietly manipulate our nearby environments in increments small enough to avoid undue attention, but significant enough to ensure we can't ignore them. Piece by piece, build these deliberate events into an ironclad web of imaginary fear - laced with just enough real danger to preempt any would-be probing questions about the authenticity of these "dire threats to our lives."
As the ripples slowly but surely spread across the world, the populace will become afraid. If you ensure that we see at least a few of those fears take tangible form, we'll become even more afraid - and, as our instincts for survival kick in, we will ask ourselves, "What is the best way to defeat these threats? How can we most efficiently apply our—now VERY limited—energy toward protecting ourselves?" Then, lacking the intelligence and pliable skills necessary to invent an ideal solution for these problems you've created for us, and without the tools to defend ourselves against a threat we believe to be growing closer every day... we will happily trade our freedoms for your protection. All of them - every last one. We won't think for a moment to question our actions OR your intentions - because you've guaranteed we know very little of either ourselves or the real world beyond your veil of propaganda. Our children follow in our footsteps, believing more and more with every successive generation that the "solution" we've chosen is the best one - based on what you teach them "on our behalf."
At the point in time when a society begins to allow its questions to go unanswered, and the lack of answers to go unchallenged, freedom is truly dead and gone.
Wake up, America - this is the DEFINITION of slavery. You're eating, breathing, drinking, and working toward your own continued enslavement. And now, our government has started to apply the formula that successfully enslaved US... to the rest of the world - while we stand by, shaking in our fucking boots, praising God that we're still alive "despite the innumerable terrors beyond our borders" and somehow believing that we're still living like people.
WAKE UP! We're pathetic, domesticated animals, and this—your life—is a CAGE.
I don't think you woke anybody up Mr. Blasé! They are too busy to open their eyes. They have things they need to buy. They are busy watching the idiot tube in order to upload the latest programming to their undeveloped brains. Some days the sheeple go to a place of worship for additional programming and sedation. They need to go to work many hours because the government needs their tax dollars, the corporations need their 401k dollars, the stores need them to buy stuff and they have to make the car payment because they need the car to get to work. They are busy following the news aka propaganda. They are busy trying to conform by drawing their beliefs from the collective. You see Mr. Blasé, the sheeple have little to no personal connection to their ideals or principles; so they become mutable, empty and uninspired. They tend to turn toward cynicism as a way to compensate, making fun of everything, especially those who ARE passionate about something. The only ideal that they will fight for is the collective itself, because who they are is so intertwined with the survival of the system. To threaten the concept of the collective is to threaten the sheeple’s existence by extension. These sheeple will never make waves among the herd or stand out against any aspect of the herd worldview, because their approval sustains and cements their very existence. To take collective approval away from one of them would like cutting off a heroin junky’s supplier. You can't wake these kinds of people up Mr. Blasé!