I've said many times and in many different ways, and in many different forums, that the electoral process in America does not serve the good of the people - that, even if you assume—errantly—that its premise is ever rational and that a useful result is ever possible, the behavioral science mathematics of those very same results PROVE that the results are *actually* meaningless - LITERALLY. This is not speculation. This is not conjecture, nor opinion. This is not just "evidence;" there is PROOF derived from decades of evidence in support of the conclusion, with absolutely not a single shred of evidence—or even reasonable theory—to the contrary.
Here are the details, in case you give a shit and want to know what the fuck is actually going on in your country, and/or why.
These are the following three conditions upon which the conclusion is based:
1) [Logical Fact:] in any election, there is one candidate who would perform his or her duty to the American public better—whether absolutely or relatively is irrelevant—than other candidates in the race;
2) [Biological Precedent/Fact:] a statistically significant supermajority of living humans will always *attempt* to act in their best interests to the best of their knowledge;
3) [Behavioral Fact:] In any environmentally-controlled human population (a society), intellectual deviation from the median is an empirically recognizable phenomenon.
Follow these with a single statistical fact to establish the necessary context: after factoring in intellectual margins of error, almost every single election in this country actually results in statistical *insignificance.* THIS is the proof. Voters are voting in such a fashion as to render their results statistically equivalent to RANDOMNESS!
As a sample of random events within a finite range of possibility increases in frequency, the samples inevitably approach a balanced distribution; only truly random behavior OR logically insignificant samples can ever produce a statistically insignificant sample after tens of millions of iterations in any circumstance where human intellect is concerned.
Even if you were to ignore that fact and take the cynical position and argue that a majority of human beings are preternaturally stupid, and if you were to lay out two choices between which it is POSSIBLE to discern a "better" choice, a SUPERMAJORITY of even those *stupid* people will always manage to select the better choice! Failing that, almost all of them will still try, and nearly all of those people will try in the same way - meaning that MOST PEOPLE—period!—WILL ALWAYS CHOOSE THE *SAME* WAY ON ANY REASONABLY-TRANSPARENT MATTER OF PERCEIVED IMPORTANCE. Not 53% compared to 47%; not 61% to 39%; we're talking upwards of 80% significance in ANY human society. Have you EVER seen a result like that in any election? If you've lived long enough to have seen one or two, have you seen it often enough to reasonably contend that it could possibly be anything other than anomalous to the obvious trend?
The results are clear: even though they are—generally—doing their actual best, there is no POSSIBLE way for the median human mind to conclude with any degree of confidence that any one candidate is ACTUALLY "better" for its interests. If it were possible, a supermajority of humans would choose the better option *almost* always. Why? Two possibilities, both of which are true simultaneously:
A) Some voters are being SUCCESSFULLY manipulated by the political system into making lose-lose decisions without realizing it;
B) Other voters recognize that none of their options represent their best interests, and their brains, as human brains always do, seek to satisfy this impossible biological directive by doing *anything perceived to be different* because the present circumstances are clearly already unfavorable.
The result in both cases is the formation of irrational patterns of behavior - turning what people believe to be "decisions" into arbitrary choices that are actually no more useful than random guesses. If you vote, then you fit into one of those two categories above.
People want to choose what's best for them, but they can't - because choosing from an uncontrollable pool of options can't ever be best, better, or even just *good* for anything or anyone (except, rarely, by complete accident courtesy of the law of averages). We ALL know this. Even the stupid people among us know this intuitively by proximity to those of median and higher intelligence.
VOTING DOESN'T WORK FOR US. It works against us. In theory, a democracy of carefully controlled size could work. In reality, an ideal democracy is impossible with a human population even as "small" as NYC - much less a country, a continent, or the world. All of that is moot, though, because we don't HAVE a democracy in America! We have a government owned by corporations, media owned by the same corporations that own the government, with ALL electoral information about the government distributed solely by the media, wherein the only entity capable of enforcing corporate accountability to the electorate is... wait for it... the government that those same corporations own and fully control. A trained dog could effectively use that self-sustaining cycle of horrors to control a population of people. With humans in charge, the engine can be made to not only run itself but to gain momentum while doing so - and it's running, and it's gaining, and it's been doing both for decades while we've sat in our booths and voted. MEANINGLESSLY. USELESSLY. STUPIDLY!
The sooner everyone accepts what we already know to be true, the sooner we can collectively stop pretending that the tripe currently sustaining us... DOESN'T - and then come up with a better idea than democracy. Democracy was a great idea thousands of years ago, when it fit the world in which it was conceived. Our world needs a solution that FITS IT.
At the very least, STOP VOTING. The system depends on the illusion of control remaining in the hands of voters, who in turn can overwhelmingly be deceived into believing that they are actually in control of something important. If we stop voting, that illusion cannot self-perpetuate any longer. ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR AWARENESS OF THE PROBLEM BY *NOT* CONTINUING TO BE A PART OF IT.
In short... quit being a bunch of fucking pussies. "American" is supposed to mean something else entirely.
Here are the details, in case you give a shit and want to know what the fuck is actually going on in your country, and/or why.
These are the following three conditions upon which the conclusion is based:
1) [Logical Fact:] in any election, there is one candidate who would perform his or her duty to the American public better—whether absolutely or relatively is irrelevant—than other candidates in the race;
2) [Biological Precedent/Fact:] a statistically significant supermajority of living humans will always *attempt* to act in their best interests to the best of their knowledge;
3) [Behavioral Fact:] In any environmentally-controlled human population (a society), intellectual deviation from the median is an empirically recognizable phenomenon.
Follow these with a single statistical fact to establish the necessary context: after factoring in intellectual margins of error, almost every single election in this country actually results in statistical *insignificance.* THIS is the proof. Voters are voting in such a fashion as to render their results statistically equivalent to RANDOMNESS!
As a sample of random events within a finite range of possibility increases in frequency, the samples inevitably approach a balanced distribution; only truly random behavior OR logically insignificant samples can ever produce a statistically insignificant sample after tens of millions of iterations in any circumstance where human intellect is concerned.
Even if you were to ignore that fact and take the cynical position and argue that a majority of human beings are preternaturally stupid, and if you were to lay out two choices between which it is POSSIBLE to discern a "better" choice, a SUPERMAJORITY of even those *stupid* people will always manage to select the better choice! Failing that, almost all of them will still try, and nearly all of those people will try in the same way - meaning that MOST PEOPLE—period!—WILL ALWAYS CHOOSE THE *SAME* WAY ON ANY REASONABLY-TRANSPARENT MATTER OF PERCEIVED IMPORTANCE. Not 53% compared to 47%; not 61% to 39%; we're talking upwards of 80% significance in ANY human society. Have you EVER seen a result like that in any election? If you've lived long enough to have seen one or two, have you seen it often enough to reasonably contend that it could possibly be anything other than anomalous to the obvious trend?
The results are clear: even though they are—generally—doing their actual best, there is no POSSIBLE way for the median human mind to conclude with any degree of confidence that any one candidate is ACTUALLY "better" for its interests. If it were possible, a supermajority of humans would choose the better option *almost* always. Why? Two possibilities, both of which are true simultaneously:
A) Some voters are being SUCCESSFULLY manipulated by the political system into making lose-lose decisions without realizing it;
B) Other voters recognize that none of their options represent their best interests, and their brains, as human brains always do, seek to satisfy this impossible biological directive by doing *anything perceived to be different* because the present circumstances are clearly already unfavorable.
The result in both cases is the formation of irrational patterns of behavior - turning what people believe to be "decisions" into arbitrary choices that are actually no more useful than random guesses. If you vote, then you fit into one of those two categories above.
People want to choose what's best for them, but they can't - because choosing from an uncontrollable pool of options can't ever be best, better, or even just *good* for anything or anyone (except, rarely, by complete accident courtesy of the law of averages). We ALL know this. Even the stupid people among us know this intuitively by proximity to those of median and higher intelligence.
VOTING DOESN'T WORK FOR US. It works against us. In theory, a democracy of carefully controlled size could work. In reality, an ideal democracy is impossible with a human population even as "small" as NYC - much less a country, a continent, or the world. All of that is moot, though, because we don't HAVE a democracy in America! We have a government owned by corporations, media owned by the same corporations that own the government, with ALL electoral information about the government distributed solely by the media, wherein the only entity capable of enforcing corporate accountability to the electorate is... wait for it... the government that those same corporations own and fully control. A trained dog could effectively use that self-sustaining cycle of horrors to control a population of people. With humans in charge, the engine can be made to not only run itself but to gain momentum while doing so - and it's running, and it's gaining, and it's been doing both for decades while we've sat in our booths and voted. MEANINGLESSLY. USELESSLY. STUPIDLY!
The sooner everyone accepts what we already know to be true, the sooner we can collectively stop pretending that the tripe currently sustaining us... DOESN'T - and then come up with a better idea than democracy. Democracy was a great idea thousands of years ago, when it fit the world in which it was conceived. Our world needs a solution that FITS IT.
At the very least, STOP VOTING. The system depends on the illusion of control remaining in the hands of voters, who in turn can overwhelmingly be deceived into believing that they are actually in control of something important. If we stop voting, that illusion cannot self-perpetuate any longer. ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR AWARENESS OF THE PROBLEM BY *NOT* CONTINUING TO BE A PART OF IT.
In short... quit being a bunch of fucking pussies. "American" is supposed to mean something else entirely.
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