Today is International Ladder Day!
It's sort of an invisible holiday, so I'm spreading the word. If you happen to be that person in your community who is always going out of your way to help your friends & family—or even coworkers, neighbors, or strangers—grow, thrive and find happiness that would otherwise only ever taunt them as they failed over and over and over, then this day is for you! It's called "Ladder Day" because that's what we are: we see a need, we lean ourselves against it, and then we turn our time and energy into rungs for our loved ones to climb to better places in life that they otherwise wouldn't even know about, probably don't deserve, and usually can't handle.
Unfortunately, very few people celebrate or even know about Ladder Day - usually because they're too busy wasting their happiness, potential and good fortune on stupid shit. Few people remember how they got so fortunate in the first place. Maybe it was an accident? Maybe they always had it in them all along, and they just woke up one day and realized it, and then everything became awesome. Maybe it was the communion wafers; nobody really knows where they come from. It's easy to become confused and forgetful in a deluge of newfound positivity!
Anyway, happy Ladder Day - because no selfless love goes unignored!
And, tomorrow... Latter Ladder Day!
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