just realized something truly horrible: the up-and-coming generations
have no idea who Phil Collins is! Also, in other news, they're fucking
A girl in the drive-through at BK tonight asked me how I'm doing, and I replied with my usual, "Oh, you know - just 'another day in paradise'," and she smiled and said cheerfully, "mmhmm!"
So, naturally, I reached through the window and strangled her once she'd handed me my fries. Or maybe I just really, really wanted to... I'm not really sure - my memory gets fuzzy sometimes where the best gratuitous violence is concerned.
Anyway, the point is: the ability to comprehend irony is being bred out of our youth. They are losing their instinctual senses of humor - and of justice, and intellectual propriety. They are being trained, fresh out of the womb, to be oblivious to the absurdities of our daily lives... and, as those lives and behaviors become more and more ridiculous, this new general populace simply becomes more and more complacent.
Is it any wonder that we have actually devolved to the point, now, where we as a nation take—and, worse, flaunt—PRIDE in programming our youngest and most vulnerable members of society - then sending them overseas to kill for our economic interests? If they can't think effectively anymore, I suppose it makes sense; soon, mindless errands will be the the only things they're good for at all.
Thank god we have the public education system to teach them to think freely, objectively, and for themselves. Thankfully, parents are fulfilling their BASIC obligations to their biological imperatives - ensuring—at all costs!—that their children are NOT being overtly conditioned to think less, ask fewer questions, be more selfish, or ignore reality whenever convenient.
Hah, can you just IMAGINE what our world would turn into if that weren't the case!?
Phew. I don't even want to think about it.
It makes me really glad that history has proven that, as worse graduates to worst, we can still all just sit back, relax, "be ourselves" and trust that it'll all work itself out in our best interests - no worries, man.
A girl in the drive-through at BK tonight asked me how I'm doing, and I replied with my usual, "Oh, you know - just 'another day in paradise'," and she smiled and said cheerfully, "mmhmm!"
So, naturally, I reached through the window and strangled her once she'd handed me my fries. Or maybe I just really, really wanted to... I'm not really sure - my memory gets fuzzy sometimes where the best gratuitous violence is concerned.
Anyway, the point is: the ability to comprehend irony is being bred out of our youth. They are losing their instinctual senses of humor - and of justice, and intellectual propriety. They are being trained, fresh out of the womb, to be oblivious to the absurdities of our daily lives... and, as those lives and behaviors become more and more ridiculous, this new general populace simply becomes more and more complacent.
Is it any wonder that we have actually devolved to the point, now, where we as a nation take—and, worse, flaunt—PRIDE in programming our youngest and most vulnerable members of society - then sending them overseas to kill for our economic interests? If they can't think effectively anymore, I suppose it makes sense; soon, mindless errands will be the the only things they're good for at all.
Thank god we have the public education system to teach them to think freely, objectively, and for themselves. Thankfully, parents are fulfilling their BASIC obligations to their biological imperatives - ensuring—at all costs!—that their children are NOT being overtly conditioned to think less, ask fewer questions, be more selfish, or ignore reality whenever convenient.
Hah, can you just IMAGINE what our world would turn into if that weren't the case!?
Phew. I don't even want to think about it.
It makes me really glad that history has proven that, as worse graduates to worst, we can still all just sit back, relax, "be ourselves" and trust that it'll all work itself out in our best interests - no worries, man.
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