Saturday, December 13, 2014

"– and don't worry about the vase."

Mountains are the islands of the near future.

I don't know why everybody worries so much about the weather. Hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis... bah. Winds are just the tides of the gas-ocean we live in. We should enjoy it while there's still breathable air. Unless we succeed with the urgent terraforming attempts that we haven't even started planning yet, it won't be long before all humans have to live either underwater or in the clouds. And, hey - the oceans only rose about 3mm globally this year, which is still only just over twice as fast as it's risen over the past few thousand years. 

That's not bad by apocalyptic standards. 

If the human population stays where it is now, we have at LEAST a hundred years left before most of our continents become ocean floors. That's longer than you or I are going to live, probably, so that should be good enough for me and you.

I don't know why ya'll be trippin' about losing electricity, homes, or all of your personal property and livelihoods - when the next few generations may very well have to breathe artificial atmosphere and eat solyent green from vacuum bags just to survive.

As if that's not bright enough for you, think about it this way: if you're alive now, there's a chance you might get to live like an astronaut—at dinner time—someday soon!


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