Saturday, December 13, 2014

She's got a ticket to ride... but I really, really don't care - and for the love of intellect, everybody else please stop whining about it!

I'm really sick of pseudo-intellectuals whining about privilege. It's the next hipster non-issue fad. Sure, it's a component of modern life, though the point there is... utterly missed. It's true that achieving society's current arbitrary idea of economic success is fundamentally difficult and requires a large investment - and it's true that the further you are from the goal when you start, the harder it is to get there (and that's "privilege"). Likewise, it's true that if you are born into a position in which your predecessors/parents have invested FOR you, you are pretty much already there and can simply reap the perceived rewards for "free" (and that's "unfair"). What's ignored, however, is the fact that the modern social notion of "success" is idiotic at best and constitutes nothing more than a meaningless content gate to *actual* living - and that's unacceptable.

I have an analogy that—unlike the "privilege" protesters of the present day—also considers an essential context of reality: It's harder to drive off a cliff in style if your rich parents don't buy you a BMW for your 16th birthday. Rather than complain about not being born into a leather pre-warmed seat, an intelligent person would stop and think, "Gee, maybe it doesn't make sense to be competing with everybody else to see who can drive off a cliff the quickest(*) and in the most luxurious fashion?" 

Arbitrary standards are arbitrary! Profound, I know.

Privilege is a moot point; it's a whiner's trophy, and nothing else. Only profoundly ignorant sheeple can be upset about who gets the "best" slops in a faux-life. The best things in life have historically always been free, and the only way that'll ever change is if people overwhelmingly start to truly believe that they should have to pay for their intrinsic rights - at which point somebody smarter will happily start selling said rights for juuuust more than the median populace can afford. There's already enough of that going on in most current world governments. Encouraging this privilege nonsense is another step in the direction of willful self-enslavement. 

Don't be an idiot. Ah, hell... that's probably too much to ask. How about, instead, don't be that much of an idiot? That seems more reasonable... relative to the current state of human civilization, at least.

Clarification in the name of technical accuracy obsessiveness on my part: "quickest" was not a reference to the BMW component of the analogy - because modern BMWs are inferior racing machines).

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