Magical moments between people don't ever just "happen." They're created consciously—if not always deliberately—when both of you just can't help sharing your magic... because it feels good.
Moving on feels great. Once you're past the obstacle, it's suddenly not scary any more.
It means something significant when you get to the point in life where you can take away all of the good that you want to remember about a person without dragging along the baggage; it takes a certain kind of self-honesty and objective self-appreciation that's very difficult to access.
No peer is worth feeling irrationally guilty or responsible for... and if they aren't your peer, you already know better.
Finding happiness may be merely a combination of preparation, luck, and persistence, (and fate, if you believe in that sort of notion), sure - but being open to happiness is a choice. If a person is fortunate enough to stumble upon the blessing of your happiness, but can't reciprocate it... there's a reason, that reason existed before you came along, and they'll never find it until they're free enough of distraction to pursue it. They need to simplify, but you need them to grow. Don't enable their stagnance; human resilience will always trump you, me, and guilt alike.
Speaking of which, everybody moves through life in stages, and no matter how complex they may seem, every stage can be reduced to one of two trends: simplifying, or growing. Be aware of this in both yourself and others, because you can only ever work with the process - not around or against it.
Touching is important. Many important things can only be communicated with a deliberate touch... but choose carefully who you share yourself with. Every significant connection is a two-way street, and it will change both of you; if you have to guess whether or not it will be good for you, it won't be.
Students of science know that "coincidence" is merely the perception of individually-insignificant events as being inherently connected on some intangible plane... but if you stumble into it with open eyes and an honest mind, that perception can be significant. Don't ignore your instincts if you've labored to refine them. Happy accidents DO rarely happen.
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